emily dickinson is very elliptical, it took me a long while to get that, you really need to research the poems and the other surprising thing that makes a huge difference is to read, if you can her poems in her own  hand  with the true punctuation and spacing, it's just unreal the difference it   makes

manuscript image archive

the almost  nabakovian  editing publishing and ownership history

an explanation of the editions

her intimate  letters  to susan huntington dickinson

emily aged sixteen morphs  to late twenties or early thirties ?

jenny joseph

axel munthe

anaïs nin

alice in wonderland  1966

the  bab  ballads

my mother likes  the story of an african farm by olive schreiner

short stories  i like

charles  bukowski  flowers

the  sharks   I   II

the book of margery kempe   ~   excerpts   ~   penguinclassics.com

christ stopped at eboli   by  carlo levi

ada    vladimir nabakov   pale fire

to the light house   by   virginia woolf

goethe   ~   italian journey  ~   faust part 2  translated by a. s. kline

nikolai gogol

dead souls  ~   dairy of a madman and other stories

the narrow road to the deep  north   (matsuo bashō translated by nobuyuki yuasa)

the  pillow  book of sei shonagon, i'm fairly sure i read the ivan morris  translation

the story of the stone     review      film/tv series

its a very famous story in china and there are a few youtube clips

when you are the rejected block you know it !

david hawkes’s translation is very good and only the first two books are written entirely by cao xueqin, the third book is written partly by him and the remainder are constructions


a confederacy of dunces   by   john kennedy toole

henry brocken  is walter de la mare's best book, but the events and imagery in it are built around other well known literature, so you need to research as you read !

“ but you, if shadow deceives me not, may yet return

i, only to the shades whence earth draws me ”

“ never yet set i these steadfast eyes on a man that would not steal the moon for taper  ‑  would she but come down ”

“ the wreck of the zephyr ”  by chris van allsberg, an interesting  blend  of the surreal, real and imaginative !

the futurological congress  by stanislaw lem

the 7th  sally  from the cyberiad

dogen  ~  the blue cliff record  ~  the blue cliff record  pdf  ~  yunmen  pdf

dogen and the blue cliff record are an interesting blend of rubbish and insight, strongly  voynichated  so to speak

dogen is not easily translated so suffers from translator’s cloud

monkey  by wu ch'eng-en, in translations by arthur  waley    (abridged, but very, very good!)  and w.j.f. jenner  (full, also supposed to be very good !)

ashvaghosha’s   saundarananda

strange  interlude  by eugene o’neill

samuel beckett     wordless act       play       not i

a good  analysis  of   “ the love song of alfred j. prufrock ”   by t.s eliot

andrew levin   ~    poetry and homilies   ~    the BCD diet and supplement  compendium

toni packer    ~    meditation retreat   talks   ~   the   work  of this moment

the essential  teachings  of zen master hakuin translated by norman waddell

i’ve become a fan of the persian poet and mystic sa'di, there's a bit of a cultural/historical barrier in the paradigms he uses, but once you work them out ,  its exceptional

i read most of jane austen many years ago, but it took seeing the 2009 bbc emma  (romola garai)  and the 1995 pride and prejudice  (jennifer ehle)  dramatizations recently for it to really open up as to what she is saying which is straight mysticism !

the art forms of a  regency  ball and georgian dining !

it's big help to know her life     I   II

sanditon   rocks  !


diana gilliland wright    I   II

victor klemperer diaries


charles darwin     the voyage of the beagle

father jerome lobo      a voyage to abyssinia

the  adventures  of thomas pellow, of penryn, mariner, three and twenty years in captivity among the moors


ibn 'arabi      qif bi  l-manâzil

the  gulistan  of sa'di

ross       edward rehatsek     html      pdf

i quite like this translation of the  orchard


arthur  schopenhauer :   “ Mark my words once for all, my dear friend, and be clever.  Men are entirely self-centred, and incapable of looking at things objectively ”

jacques  derrida:   “ what is the very condition of the  question  itself ? ”

gospel  scholarship


wang  wei

philip larkin

  sylvia plath   ~   poems   ~   photo

w. h. auden   ~   as i walked out one evening  (also on youtube)

  anna akhmatova   ~   a poem page

osip mandelstham   ~   collection   ~   the sea-shell   ~   late poems

i do not fear  to love


osip mandelstham's  the sea-shell  is probably the best poem ever written along with shelly's  ode to the west wind  and sylvia plath's  lorelei

keats's  ode on a grecian urn  too, it helps to understand there was no single grecian urn as per the poem, in fact he was looking at the  sosibios  vase and elgin marbles

the urn as described could never exist in reality, it is of infinity

other best poems are charles bukowski's  the genius of the crowd  and wang wei's one about silver sturgeon suspended over a white sand bottom in the water

larry eigner    march 25-6 94    what time is/ it day/ i may/ sleep


henry darger

prokudin-gorskii     photographs

nikolai getman     paintings

william blake      fiery pegasus

william blake     los  entering  the grave

herman melville     mar saba


satire: the gunfighter

jessica swale, catherine tate et al  audition


Ленинград — Экспонат


vivian maier

maya deren

the battle of  moscow


von trapps

laura and anton  la vie en rose

the night is  flowing  and we are following it into the land of mystic lights

snow on the beach

“beyond the quiet river”  a russian folk song  sung  by “beloe zlato”

also singing  dunya has a headache

the emperor  —  left hand refers to the moon

beatles song on   gayageums

alyona vargasova   journey through the milky way

fertility of the sea  played on taiko drums

hoist the colours high

brittin lane   four corners     mad world     dream

in my mind  dynoro & gigi d’agostino

marquese scott  dubstepping  to a rearrangment of pumped up kicks  (foster the people)

electric violins

erik satie     gymnopédies    parade

the big   seven  ~   la isla  bonita  ~   christmas in  hastings


merle travis  performs   “ lost john ”

fiona apple singing sally's  song

eva cassidy    autumn leaves

gloomy sunday

bernadette crawley  sings   ‘ the lass of aughrim ’

macey garrett  covers  dolores o’riordan

the laurens symfonisch choir singing  agnus dei

maria coman singing  the lord’s prayer

rachmaninoff  vespers, op. 37      concerto no.2  adagio sostenuto

handel’s  "per abbattere il rigore"  duet

pyotr tchaikovsky  —  hymn of the cherubim

ederlezi    lily jung    kamerkoor

alma deutscher  :   piano concerto     cafe puls

il silenzio

cai thomas singing the  suo gan      anthony way

the wind  plays on the lyre

dayou kim

yoon-kyung cho   cello

aya nagatomi  :   chopin  etude   op.10-12       liszt  —  la campanella

maria joão  playing chopin

yuja wang

hayato sumino

moyun       erhu

“ blue and white porcelain ”   guzheng

classical style chinese dance    :    princess anle     kalavinka

modern chinese dance     :    qipao     cheng xiao    synchrony

shesshu toyo  painter

comparone playing scarlatti   harpsicord 

harp  :   ashken     alisa     vincente

héloïse de jenlis  :   clair de lune      the mist on the mountains


lakmé  :   the flower duet   I   II

aleksei arkhipovsky    balalaika rocks

anastasia tyurina

peggy lee and the dave barbour quartet in 1950  -  why don't you do  right

nat king cole and eartha kitt    careless love

eartha kitt    i want to be evil

karen dalton    blues jumped the rabbit

skip james    sings    crow jane

stockholm gay choir, very beautiful    what shall we do with the drunken sailor

thin lizzy/phil lynott     whiskey in the jar

scala and the kolacny brothers, leonard cohen's  suzanne

buleria  —  flamenco

suzanne vega  tom’s diner


pomplamoose  :  some lovin   riding shotgun   les yeux noirs

the rivers of  babylon

mr. deity and  lucifer     mr. deity and the tour de hell

d. m. murdock on  moses/dionysus

dr. richard carrier on the historicity of jesus  I   II

imitations  of classical greek literature in luke and acts

pendulum  waves

zizek  on love and the void !

michael faller



russian prison  documentary

Чрезвычайное  происшествие   ( russian car webcams )

Кин-дза-дза!  ( kin-dza-dza!  -  great fun and strikingly original )

andrei tarkovsky  Зеркало   ( “mirror”  -  the best film ever made ! )

the  sacrifice

huis  clos

a bumper crop

the wall  (die wand)

twelfth night  by sir henry neville

les ombres du temps

japanese and korean films  :   strawberry fields     wind phone     the dirge singer     yeonu’s summer     show me the way to the station













 lifetime !

one of my fav areas in australia, has a sort of  spiritual  quality to it !

the music is an orchestration of the well known hit song  unchained melody

the flinders needs many consistently  wet  years to be at it's best, 

otherwise it loses some of the magic

ennio morricone     I     II

claudia cardinale   films

animé biography of  kenji miyazawa

chinua achebe   reads

voices  from chernobyl

dr. david boder’s  recordings  of holocaust survivors

ladislas starevich :  the  tale  of the fox   1930

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